Windows 7 Taskbar Pinner: pin individual files and folders to the Windows 7 taskbar.Switcher:terrific Mac Expose clone for Windows 7 and Vista.Quick Cliq: launch favorite files, folders, and tools on-demand.Hot Corners: triggers user-defined events when hovering over screen corners.QTTabBar: provides tabbed folder browsing in Windows 7 Explorer (see screenshot).ClassicShell: brings back some cool XP features to Windows 7.Browser Chooser: lets you choose the browser you want to use, case-by-case.Nemo Documents:displays your desktop files on a calendar grid.Listary: advanced file filtering in explorer at the press of a button.

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apps that tweak or change the way we work with the system environment itself, whether it is working with files, folders, or applications they are, to quote my first post “apps that brings functionality to the Windows environment that could or should have been built-in options in Windows”.Ī caveat: I wouldn’t recommend that you install many of these on your system at the same time, so as not to overburden your PC, but also because some of these have overlapping functions.

The common theme here, as with the first one, is that these are all cool free Windows “enhancements”: i.e. I’ve been meaning to publish a follow up to my first “ 43 must have Windows Enhancements” posting forever, but it’s taken a long time simply because I wanted to stick with the completely arbitrary “43” number of entries, and of course I wanted to only post apps that are worth writing about (as it turned out, I had many more than I needed).